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Складной электросамокат X7 Pro — портативный электросамокат Tesla!
Электрический самокат X7 идеально подходит для гонщиков, которым нужно преодолевать большие расстояния, но при этом хочет что-то компактное, но удобное, экономичный самокат для взрослых и аккумуляторный блок самоката X7, обеспечивающий запас хода не менее 12 миль в реальном времени. Дополнительный размер шин (8,5/10 дюймов) для разных гонщиков и случаев.
Аккумулятор для электросамоката X7 Pro достаточно легкий, чтобы его можно было носить с собой в рюкзаке, который можно мгновенно установить, когда в самокате разрядится аккумулятор.
Энцо -
Обожаю х7! Единственным недостатком является то, что аккумулятор очень быстро разряжается на скорости 25 км/ч. В остальном мне нравится!
Glaasje7Up –
HX escooters are the best! I have the X7 and I am really happy with it! I am on a camping rn and I use it all day! I use it until I go eat and then I charge it up. I am thinking about buying the X9 but it is too expensive for me..
Miles H. –
Personally, I love this kind of transportation vehicle because it’s easy to use and easy to carry, something like this would have been perfect when I was at college living at the dorms, and we had a grocery store 3-4 miles away.
Allen Rue –
X7 works perfect for my lifestyle, driving threw all the casinos is killer fun! Economical as well
Perez Garcia –
Absolutely love my scooter X7. I use it to get from my apartment to the metro and it makes my commute fun, fast, and easy. Only downsides are that it’s tires are hard to replace. However, it’s held up to my use and I clocked over 250km on it so I would highly recommend.
Benjamin C –
I own several Escooters so I’m not looking for the thing to fly but I do want durability and quality and X7 scooter is the one!
Mike G. –
Pretty damn well made, battery is to replace, quick response team as well to give me peace of mind.
Douglas –
I live and work downtown. X7 scooter is super convenient and i think it’s the most balanced product on the market currently.
John Campbell –
I have one now and it’s a lot of fun. Improved the embedded battery pack so it can handle moderate rain. Would be a perfect companion to my daily commute!
Guillermo –
I really need this scooter, my board is old and fell apart, I’m need a new mode of transportation since I’m still afraid to drive, lol love it. Get my own electric scooter for my 27th birthday!
Jeff O. –
Legal top speed limited to 25km/h here in Europe, but there’s already an update to get about 32kmh, crazy fast and I can’t wait to get rid of my car!!!